Personal Empowerment & Leadership Coach
Claim your authority to live an extraordinary life
Personal Empowerment Coaching
Empowering you to transform your life and live with greater self-awareness, confidence, and freedom.
Leadership Coaching
Lead others from a place of authenticity, integrity, and vision to be a catalyst for positive change.

Free Leading from the Inside-Out eBook when you subscribe to my newsletter
Private & Group Coaching
Online & InPerson Workshops
6-12 week to 1 year Programs
Keynotes, Lunch & Learns and Breakout Sessions
What Is Life Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?
Here are the most frequently asked questions I get as a coach.
Why hire a coach?
Many women find themselves wanting more for their lives, yet they are not sure how to achieve their desires. They may have made numerous attempts for a goal only to feel defeated because they didn’t reach it. They are left feeling stuck, frustrated and wanting help. Instead of giving up they choose to seek the support of a skilled coach who can be invaluable in helping them reach their goals.
As a skilled coach I offer a fresh perspective and experience how to live life from the inside out so you can walk in the world aware of your personal value and feeling greater joy, freedom and success. I am trained in art of listening and asking questions to help you discern your own answers with greater clarity.
Why I work with Coaches?
I have been working with coaches for the past 7 year, and I will continue to do so as my life expands from all that I have learned. It has been invaluable. I have worked with spiritual, business, and life-style coaches who have helped me learn new ways of understanding who I am and how I can live a life that is true to what I know. They help me to dream bigger, to step outside the limits of my logical mind and to embrace possibilities. I had to tap into something just as real, and powerful – my heart and my intuition. As a result, my life is happier, more balanced, expansive and in alignment with me. I like that!
I didn’t hire just anybody. I had to know they were successfully living what they were teaching. If they were, I then had to make sure they were a good fit for me and what I wanted to experience from their coaching. It had to make sense to me logically and to feel right emotionally and intuitively. I interviewed them as they did me.
As a client, I also learned that just because a coach is good doesn’t mean they are a good fit for me. I have learned that it is true for me as a coach as well. Just because a potential client is a great person, doesn’t mean I would be a good fit for providing what they are seeking at that time.
This awareness and wisdom came to me through experiences and by listening to my internal guidance. These have helped me to live an empowered life, and I love it! I have learned the importance of trusting and following what I sense is right. It is what I live by and what I coach my clients in developing.
When someone has a clear sense of herself, she walks the world with strength and confidence. Life becomes her partner rather than her master and she becomes aware that it is grander than she ever knew.
Should I do Private or Group Coaching?
Private coaching is good for you if you:
- Desire to work one on one
- Feel too reserved or shy to grow in the company of others
Group coaching is good for you if you:
- Learn well in the company of others
- Want to develop relationships with like minded people
About Rebecca Victor
As a personal empowerment and leadership coach, Rebecca empowers women to transform themselves and live with greater freedom, self-awareness and confidence. Helping them to combine the power their heart, mind and intuition, she teaches them ways to live and lead from the inside out in integrity and joy with their life’s purpose and passion.
Rebecca has over 25 years of experience coaching individuals and groups. In addition she is a sought after teacher of new-thought metaphysical principles and serves as a spiritual director for many of her clients.
As a speaker, workshop facilitator, and team builder, Rebecca has traveled the country presenting to audiences who are looking for new ways to lead and be in business that is respectful of the whole person.
“Creative, intelligent leader who is capable of bringing various talented people
together in dialogue to invent meaningful strategic thinking. Excellent at identifying
and working with individual’s strengths.”
– John Ferneding, Ferneding Insurance
“Rebecca Victor is a Life Coach who produces results. She helps you roll up your
sleeves, dig deep and more from just dreaming to realizing the dream. We connected like magic when we first met and she coached me through the final leg of my journey to National Marketing Director with the Juice Plus Company.”
– Carolyn Russ, NMD JP+
“We recently worked with Rebecca Victor for our annual planning meeting for our
chiropractic office. Rebecca brought to the table exactly what we needed — a different
perspective that was outside our box. She was prepared, efficient and engaging.”
– Thomas Konicki, Konicki & Schumacher Chiropractic
“I would like to say that Rebecca Victor inspired me to go after my dreams. I had the honor of presenting her during our 12th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference by WiBN titled, “Find Your Grit. She is a phenomenal speaker that helped us to look at our entire self and to bring it to the forefront. It was about empowering, educating and encouraging women. She is such a blessing.
Please ladies, check out Rebecca Victor. The experience will change your mindset and your life!”
– Dionne
“Rebecca is an energizing and engaging speaker and presenter. I experience her as organized, yet willing to go with the flow of the group. She is very in tune with how her audience is feeling and allows them the space to comment and contemplate the discussion. I love her connection to personal growth and leadership topics. If I see Rebecca’s name for a conference workshop, I will do everything I can to attend. I always come away refreshed and replenished.”
– Rhonda E. Reagh, Ph.D.
“Meeting and hearing her speak for the first time I felt renewed because she is a phenomenal speaker who gets to your heartstrings. She reminded me that I have the power to change my heart in the direction it needs to go to realize my dreams can come true. I give this testimony with a renewed mindset – a determined drive and a BIG THANK YOU TO REBECCA VICTOR! Her presentations are interactive and life changing.”
– Daria Dillard Stone
Rebecca’s Free Resources

Leading from the Inside Out - Awareness
The difference between you being successful and thriving or
feeling disconnected, stressed out and struggling.

Living from the Inside Out - Six Guiding Principles
As you establish trust you become willing to open up, to surrender to new ideas, and to offer yourself and others compassion.

Living from Inside Out - 5 Practices for Cultivating Joy
You are worthy of the joy and happiness you seek. When you choose to cultivate them for yourself, your life becomes so much easier to live.
Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.
This virtual coaching session is on me.
A personal experience for you to learn more about how to create the positive change and experiences you desire for your life.
Let’s get you to the place of breakthrough.
*This session is free and requires no obligation to purchase a coaching package.