What happens when you are at a complete loss of what to do next? If you have tried multiple times to figure out what you must do but still draw a blank every time, going on an inward journey can help.
Rebecca Victor explores how detaching yourself from everything and looking within yourself will allow your inner voice to provide all of the answers you may be needing. This way, you can gain better clarity of where you are currently at, avoiding the typical escape of blaming yourself or seeking answers from other people. She also explains why the solutions that we let unfold naturally into our lives may not be as tangible or easy to digest at first and how our internal guidance plays a significant part in deciphering these valuable messages.
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Taking The Inward Journey To Move Forward When You Don’t Know What To Do
I’d like to welcome you to this show. I have to laugh because it’s a show about what do you do when you flat out don’t know what to do and how that quandary works with the inward journey. How can the inward journey help at a time when you’re at a flat-out loss? What is initiating this show is the fact that I have been mulling over a variety of episodes to share with you. They’re next on my list of what to talk about. Every time I go to bring out the information, it says, “If I’m way down.” In other words, I’m at a loss of what to say, I don’t know the points I want to bring out and I’m like, “Okay, I need to get something going.” It’s like a writer and writer’s block.
It’s very early in my series and I’m like, “I wouldn’t think there’d be an issue with me creating a show.” I don’t know if any of you have ever experienced that in some endeavor you’re undertaking where all of a sudden, you go gangbusters and gun-ho. You then hit the spot and you’re like, “Where do I go next? What do next?” It’s almost as if that energy went somewhere. That energy that was like, “I’ve got this. Let’s go,” for whatever you’re going for, and all of a sudden, it’s gone. You’re like, “What do I do?” Typically for me, as I’ve gone into worrying about it and struggling over the fact that I don’t have a topic and confused because I have a whole list of topics but at this point, none of these topics are making sense
When you let go of your questions, all kinds of answers may unfold, giving you a chance to answer them freely. Click To TweetI would struggle to make it work. I would try different topics, and no matter how hard I tried, it fell flat. I’m like, “It’s not doing me any good to continue pressing this issue for myself, pressing the issue of struggling to try to get this show done.” I’ve had that not only around this show, but I’ve had it in other scenarios where I’ve had to create something and the creative juices flat out stopped flowing. I had mentioned for those of you who are writers, you understand that with a writer’s block or if you’re trying to create something and all of a sudden, you go dry. It’s like the well is dry.
As I got quiet and I posed the question, I realized what my initial question was, “What’s wrong with me?” I’m like, “That question isn’t going to serve me because it’s going only to point out the things that are wrong with me or that I think they’re wrong with me. That’s not what I want to find out. That’s not the information.” The information is what can I do that will help spur on this energy so that I can share an episode, speak to you, share an idea or a concept. That’s what I was looking for. I had to modify and adjust the question so it would give me information that I could use.
The question, “What is wrong with me?” doesn’t do that for me. I had to modify it. When I went to bed that night, I always want to go to bed. I always have this quiet time of gratitude, of settling my mind and my body down for rest. I posed that question. “I’m noticing myself struggling and I want to know what this is about. What can I glean from this? What can I learn from this that’s going to help me provide a better show?” I then went to bed. I don’t know how many of you ever do that, that you pose a question before you go to sleep and then you say, “I know the answer that I’m seeking is coming to me somehow in some way and I’m going to let it flow.”
I got up and there wasn’t anything at that point. I had breakfast and I was sitting there doing one of those Sudoku puzzles, and up popped an idea. The idea was to share where you are at this time. Let me share where I’m at this time. That’s thrilling for me because I’m talking about myself, but I wonder how much value would have for anybody reading and I’m like, “I’ll share where I’m at in my journey.” There’s a part of me that was okay with that and part of me that is like, “What if I share what’s not working? What will that say about me?” There’s another part that says, “Who cares? Step forward to share what is yours to share and maybe in some way, it’s going to touch somebody somehow that it needs to touch.”
I believe in that synchronicity and I believe that oftentimes we end up in places that are perfect for us, and we’re not quite sure how he got there or why especially when we open ourselves up to that possibility and we get answers. I’m like, “I’m going to be that space where I’m going to share what is mine to share and if it has value for somebody great. That’s what I’m hoping for.” Here I am. I’m sharing where I’m at. I’m sharing that in the process of being in a place where I don’t know what to do next, I have a choice. I can move into fear, and I can move into judgment. I’m like, “What’s wrong with me?”

Inward Journey: Let go of the questions and pay attention to how answers show up instead.
I can pause and say, “What question do I want to ask? What answer do I want to get so that I can ask the question to help me get that answer.“ That’s what I did. The important thing on the inward journey for this is realizing that after I asked the question, I had to simply let go of trying to grasp an answer because I’m trying to grasp the answer. It’s like I’m closing myself up off to what might be there for me, but if I’m relaxed, I go about my day, and I let it happen, then all of a sudden, I might be encouraged to look at something. I might have this curiosity piqued in me that says, “Turn on the TV to this channel.” I click and I’m like, “Let me check that out.”
All of a sudden, a character says something. It’s a show. It has nothing. I watch it for enjoyment. It’s fun. All of a sudden, there’s something I click with and what’s being said and it’s like, “There it is,” or I go and I’m standing in line. I get this urge to go to the store and lo and behold, I start talking to somebody. We can talk together when we’re 6 feet apart. I was talking with somebody and I get this idea out of our conversation or vice versa or they know somebody I know. It’s initiated, “I’ll check that person out again.” It’s fascinating that in the course of when things show up that I don’t know what to do next, and I pose the question that it’s going to give me an answer that I’m seeking, and I let go, things start to happen.
Things start to show up. I’m sure you’ve had that happen to you in certain ways where you’re at a loss, and you’re like, “What do I do next?” The harder you try, the farther away any answers seem to get. When you finally let go and you go about, you pose it, up pops an answer because you’re free to respond to it. That’s what I wanted to share with you that this idea of turning within has a lot of valuable purposes to it. It provides a lot of opportunities for us to gain clarity in a way that’s not about struggle. It’s not that we have to struggle to get the answer as much as we can pose it and then let ourselves let go of the question and then pay attention to how answers show up.
That’s half the fun for me of turning within because I get to know more of myself and how I communicate. How this inner voice communicates with me and, “Am I interpreting it right? Am I understanding what I’m receiving right?” If I misunderstood the information, I’m receiving and what I find in that journey helps me and strengthens my ability to discern the information I’m getting. If you’re fairly new to exploring the idea of turning within, and you have found that you have asked and posed questions and nothing seems to come up or you think you’ve got something and you check it out. Lo and behold, it feels like it was all wrong for you. It’s like, “This didn’t work out. It’s not worth it.”
It’s like anything. If I’m going to go and I want to develop a strong body and I’ve not done anything to work my body out, my body doesn’t know. My body’s not strong. It’s not going to be capable of doing what it can do when I exercise it, when I work it out. When we’re turning inward to ask, what do I do next, where do I go or to try to understand something, one important part is to give ourselves permission to learn how to do that how it is that this inner voice within us speaking to us and how to interpret that it is like a muscle.
When we turn inward, we give ourselves permission to learn from our inner voice and interpret its message like a muscle. Click To TweetWe got to exercise it in order to understand and to experience that and strengthen our ability to interpret what we’re getting. I hope that with this spur of the moment conversation, it’s provided you an understanding that our internal guidance can be of service to us in a whole lot of different ways. That the idea of being at a loss, of not knowing what to do often opens up if we allow it to possibilities that feel better, that feel exciting and that offer us something that we hadn’t anticipated. If you’re in a spot were struggling for something and you can’t seem to get it or you don’t know where to go next. You’ve tried this and you’re ready to give it up. It takes some time to turn within and ask the question, not what’s wrong with me, what’s wrong with the scenario, but this is what I’m seeking, “What is it that I need to understand or learn for this to unfold for me? Is there some other direction? Is there something else that’s needed here?”
Those are two questions but is that whole idea of opening up to ask the question of the information that we’re seeking. Have fun with it. If you’re in a space, have fun with asking that question and then allowing yourself to have some space and then pay attention to the information you get and explore it. Explore it so that you can begin to interpret and understand what you’re receiving. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for reading and sharing your time and your space here. I hope that you have a great day celebrating you and your life.