Everything is energy. This is even more felt when we turn to our inward journey for guidance. But what does it really mean? In this episode, Rebecca Victor interviews expert Susan Bird — an Energy Re-Alignment and Personal Empowerment Specialist. Here, Susan explores with us how everything is connected, bringing clarity and alignment to our etheric body so we can realize our life purpose and actualize our goals. Finding inspiration in the way whales and dolphins embody the experience of being present at all times, she shares the amazing wisdom she learned from being and observing these creatures and how they elevate energy. Susan’s healing process is intensive, powerful, and collaborative. Join her in this conversation as she actively incorporates the wisdom, experience, and uniqueness of each individual to cultivate their highest potential.
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Tuning In To Energy In Our Inward Journey With Susan Bird
I’m excited to have the opportunity to share with you, Susan Bird. I’ll give you a little more information about her, but what I wanted to do is share with you how I met Susan. I’ve had different guests and people that I’ve known for various times or lengths in my life. Susan is new to me. I’m glad that I’m getting the chance to get to know her and the reason I’ve asked her to even come. Part of what we talk about in the inward journey is that we’re turning often inward for guidance, clarity, wisdom, and understanding. We might pose a question, what is it that I need to do for my business, relationship, working with my child, or my health? What is it that I need to do? We often don’t have that information right away. It’s not something that the answer pops right in there when you ask the question. Often the information that you’re seeking is associated with something else. That time has to come forth for that to percolate and come up, and be ready to be presented.
In this scenario, as I was looking at how to help you understand this idea of vibration of energy, and especially when we’re turning inward. Often, people will get caught up in the idea of, “This energy people are talking about woo-woo.” They are failing to realize that it is foundationally based in science when we have this concept of everything being energy and having a vibrational frequency. I’m not going to go into that because I’ve already talked about that in a previous episode. This is how I met Susan because I was looking for a way to describe this best, so that people would have an understanding when we’re talking about energy and frequency, the validity of it, and why it matters.
I was on my computer doing some research, and up popped this information about frequency. I read it and I liked it. I like how it is worded. I like how they have explained it and showed how it works. I said, “Who wrote this?” I looked and I saw the Way of the Whale and Susan Bird. I want to check out this Way of the Whale because that looked fascinating to me. I was led to this website that was delightful. I love looking at the sea and I saw these beautiful whales. You see these dolphins and there’s this woman swimming down, following the dolphins. I’m like, “This is cool.” I began to read about her and I thought, “Here’s someone who is walking her own journey, turning inward for guidance throughout her life, who knew for discernment, greater understanding.” I thought I’d like to have her come on. I reached out and she kindly responded, and we’ve enjoyed connecting. I had an opportunity to experience some of her gifts that we can talk about later. It’s very powerful.
I am looking forward now to sharing her with you. This is Susan Bird. She is an energy realignment and personal empowerment specialist. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Stanford University as a certified clinical hypnotherapist. She has conducted realignment and empowerment sessions for over 30 years, assisting clients with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Her practice has evolved from in-person consultation to remote energy clearing sessions for clients all over the world. As an intuitive healer, Susan works to bring clarity and alignment to the energy or etheric body so that clients may realize their life purpose and actualize their goals. Her healing process is intensive, powerful, and collaborative. She actively incorporates the wisdom, experience, and uniqueness of each individual to cultivate their highest potential.
In addition to working with individual clients, she regularly facilitates manifestation workouts to help people transform their dreams into reality. As the name of her website suggests, Susan utilizes the energy of wild cetaceans. Cetaceans are underwater mammals or sea mammals, the whales, dolphins, and porpoises, and acting as a bridge to bring their higher vibrational frequencies into the lives of her clients. She spends 10 to 12 weeks each year swimming with different species of dolphins and whales at different locations around the world. She leads small groups to introduce clients to the transformative frequencies of cetaceans in person. She captures photographic and video imagery to share the essence of these experiences with the public. Welcome, Susan. I’m glad you’re here.
Thank you so much. I’m glad to be here.
When I was looking at your website, I loved it. I want to go into understanding more of the inward journey in a bit. I appreciated the view and the love that you have for these creatures that you spend time with, the cetaceans, the whales and the dolphins. I can remember us talking and you were sharing about how aware they are, how much more they know than we realize. As we look at them, we think, “They’re whales,” and we think we’re the almighty humans. Humans are awesome and yet there’s something tremendous about these creatures, aren’t there?
There are. It’s interesting that many humans strive to learn how to be present and to go inward. It’s ironic in a certain way that whales and dolphins demonstrate, they live and they embody that notion and that essence and that experience of being present at all times. That is how and why they are such teachers for us and such an inspiration.
How do you pick that sense up about them? Is it something you see in their eyes? Is it a feeling as you’re swimming with them? What is it?
How you pick that up is going to be different for each individual as we process and perceive the world differently. For me, I’m a kinetic feelings person that when I’m in the water, I sense their presence. If I were to close my eyes, I can tell if I am in close or distant proximity to these mammals, simply by their frequency and vibration. You can also look into their eyes if you have the opportunity to be close enough for that. That is another inroad or way into feeling into that depth of personality that each one embodies, and also that higher frequency and very pristine and spiritual essence.
The inward journey is a journey of letting go. Click To TweetI remember loving the story that you were sharing about the one that was very playful. I was reading too about one that was having a ball playing with you and you could feel it. It was very playful.
You’re referencing a story that we shared about three sperm whale calves. I have experienced that playfulness with many different species throughout the gamut. Typically, with the younger ones for the whales, you see the playfulness in the calves. The adults can show signs of that, but the calves still have that innocent, free, lively spirit. Dolphins, even the adults, tend to be very playful, sneaky, and tricky at times in a playful way.
How did you even get involved with working with whales, porpoises, and dolphins?
It was a natural evolution. I grew up as a competitive swimmer and spent many hours in the water every day. Where I trained happened to be in Long Beach, California, which is close to the ocean. Being close to the ocean in itself has its own magic and draw. I remember between morning and evening practice one day, I went with a friend to the beach to spend more time in the water. We rented a kayak and we’re kayaking through canals, and two dolphins were somehow magically swimming in these canals. I remember paddling next to them and they surfaced and looked at us. That was an instant big experience. You could feel your heart opening at that time.
Prior to that, this dates way back in time, my family went to Florida and there was an in-water swim with dolphin experience. My brother and I participated in that. That was long before there were very strict rules and regulations, and this and that. We were quite young. I was probably around 6 or 7 years old. I remember getting in the water and being with this huge creature, but very intelligent. We rode the dolphin and it scared my mother to death, but that made an imprint as well.
That would make an imprint on me that would last. You’ve done quite a bit of work with these animals all over the world, and helping to bring to light their beauty, intelligence, the compassion and patience that they have as they travel the globe.
As you’re talking, I’m reflecting on the question that you asked. How did the relationship form? There were a few early instances of connection. As my healing practice and my energy practice was birthed and evolved, there seemed to be a coinciding path whereby I was getting more and more involved in intuitive work. At the same time, the swimming progressed into diving, snorkeling, free diving. I found myself being drawn to situations where I was exposed to cetaceans in the wild. It’s a very natural path in a certain way.
It was obvious that the experience of being in the water with dolphins and whales elevates a person’s frequency, their bodily energetic resonance, simply by being in the water. That is what I’ve been doing with clients. It’s to elevate their frequency so that they’re able to perceive themselves more clearly, and move in whatever direction they are going in their lives with greater clarity, focus, and power. The relationship with cetaceans evolved and keeps evolving.
I heard you were sharing that it was interwoven with your own personal experience of this energy. More than energy, there was something more. I’m wondering if that’s something that you had before you got involved in this. Is that something that’s been a part of you? How did you begin your journey, and this awareness that there was something more about you or somewhere to go that you could find information? How did you begin and why?
For me, that process began very early in life, even preverbal. I have always been quite introverted. I think those that are wired that way tend to turn inward in order to process the world around them. I had pretty difficult upbringing with some alcoholism in parental setting, to be kind about it. One of the ways of coping was to turn inward and to trust that my inner voice. It was a coping mechanism. A lot of it is wiring the introversion to be quite intuitive from an early age. That was encouraged by my family as I grew up where in certain instances, some adults would come to the house that my parents knew perhaps in a work related situation. After the person would leave, my parents would say, “What did you think? What were your thoughts or feelings about this person?”

Inward Energy: When you are intuitive and wired a certain way, what you’re seeing may be very different from what you’re perceiving about a person or situation.
I was getting validation for expressing some of the nonverbal cues that you receive about the people in the world around you from an early age. Through high school and college, it’s an interesting journey to be wired in that way because as through all of life, many of us put on a best face or a mask or whatever we want to be portraying in a given moment. If you are and when you are intuitive and wired a certain way, what you’re seeing may be very different than what you’re perceiving about a person or situation. Learning to navigate and trust that inner voice despite outward appearance has been part of my journey from the onset. That then evolved into working with people to enhance their abilities, to turn inward, tune-in inward, and trust their inner guidance.
That was a big one. Having that sense was very complicated for me as a small child when I would go and I would see somebody that’s the life of the party. I was picking up everything but the life of the party. I’m like, “There’s a very sad person there or conflicted.” It was very confusing because what I would see visually was not what I was picking up intuitively, and that there was a sadness. Maybe they were trying to move through the sadness by showing a happy face. At the age of seven, I didn’t have any understanding of what I was witnessing and that dichotomy. That’s neat that you got that confirmation.
I didn’t know how to get that confirmation. I said, “Let me shut down on this for a while, because I’m not quite sure how to interpret it.” For you then, it was strengthened. What were the things that you looked for when you would pay attention intuitively that you knew you were on the right track in this, or you knew that this was the way to go? What were some of the signs? Were there anything in particular that you could go, “This is how I knew I needed to move in that direction?”
That’s a complex question because while I did receive validation for that aspect of my being, there was also a lot of pressure to perform and to conform. Early childhood, we were a competitive swimming family. I achieved a pretty high level of success, national records and recognition. That’s a mixed blessing, then comes the expectation that if you’re not winning, then you are less than and you’re not perfect. There was a lot of disciplined activity that in some ways pushed me or pulled me in another direction. At the same time, that’s an activity or sport that is very internal. You swim for hours each day. You’re looking at a line at the bottom of a pool. You’re in your mind.
All of this is going on and I had the grades and the capacity to attend a pretty high-tiered school scholastically for college. There’s the expectation that with that education, the connections you make, etc., you then have this life laid out for you. I never fit that mold. There was validation, but at the same time there was, “That’s great, but you should put that to the side and do this real work, and then you can be your intuitive self.” I remember post-graduation, my father was saying, “What do you do on these interviews that you haven’t gotten hired yet? Whip out your crystals and talk about energy, do you?”
It was like, “I don’t quite do that.”
That’s what I should be doing. I don’t know if you share this particular manifestation of being intuitive or energetically sensitive, but I have a capacity to match energy with people. I go to a college party, everybody’s drinking and living it up. I didn’t have to drink to match the energy, and people would think that I was as relaxed, fun and whatever. It’s a matching of energy. I didn’t do it consciously at the time. I didn’t understand it, but I always loved music, dancing and movement. It’s vibration, moving and that.
Back to the interview process, I found my first real “job” as a salesperson for an electronic circuit board-making company in Silicon Valley, which if you know who I am and you think about that sales. No. Smelly chemical-ridden circuit boards that we’re manufacturing. No. Get up and present this face and tell a few fibs about the company to make it look bigger. No. How did I get the job in the interview? I matched the energy of the person and they thought that I knew a lot about this and that. I found myself sometimes getting into bad situations because people would assume more about me or what I was bringing to the equation than what was there.
Would you say that’s a journey about trying to find yourself in making those types of decisions? It feels like the decisions I’ve made where I’ve listened to somebody else’s idea of what I should be in order to be successful because I hadn’t learned to have faith in my own.
It definitely is, particularly in those formative, professional years. Oftentimes for people, that’s twenties, depending on where you launch. For me, that process was very hit-and-miss at first. I did some additional education. I spent two years in art school and I pursued an advanced degree in Anthropology, which I ended up part way through realizing this is not me. In anthropology, you are to enter a community or a culture, and study it from an objective viewpoint. I realized in one of the assignments that’s not my strength. My strength is to match, blend, and know from within by matching that energy. It’s my understanding that the field of anthropology has evolved over the last decades to more in that direction. When I was in that, I realized that this isn’t me. I would say that finding oneself, finding myself was certainly a process of hits and misses, and trying on different outfits.
Turning inward is about being open to the many ways you can be inspired and motivated. Click To TweetAll along, even at university, there was this other voice pulling me in a direction. While at Stanford, I took classes at the Berkeley Psychic Institute. It isn’t part of Berkeley, the university, but it is in Berkeley. There was always a sort of pull like, what is this? I want more information about this that already exists within me. After graduation and studying in different areas and taking different jobs, more and more the inner urging and prompts pushed me in this direction that I finally embraced, which is to follow the energy alignment path first for myself, and then help others.
How did you know that was the path for you? What happened inside of you? Usually, it is step by step because there’s great beauty in each step.
I’m glad you asked that because I’m sure I’ve been asked iterations of that in the past, but what comes clear to me now is that the final determining factor was that the sense of chaos dissolved. There was more of a quietude. I can’t say it happened one night. There were a series of things that happened here and there, but in general, when you’re not on the right path, there is some level within whether you’re you feel it or see it that for me, I knew I wasn’t right. I wasn’t right for me. It’s hard to express that, but things got quiet and clear, and then the path became much more linear.
It’s important that you described it the way you have described it. We all experience it differently. One way that someone might have described it wouldn’t fit, where someone else might hear you say the words you’re using, like, “That’s what I think. That’s how I see it.” I’ve had that many times. The inward journey to me is a journey of letting go of the five sensory. It’s not negating the five sensory, but it’s the recognition that there is a whole lot more for us, to us, and about us that’s there that we can tap into and work with. When you think about it, what is that inward process for you?
I’m not even sure I would describe it as a process versus a state of being. At this time in my life, many decades into it, insights and intuition, that sense of being on the right path doesn’t necessarily happen in a meditative state. I’m often in motion. Maybe it’s better described as a tuning fork which there’s a certain resonance that occurs. Sometimes I’ve been in the middle of something where an insight will come so strong, fast, hard and clear that I can’t ignore it. It’s the clarity, or the manifestation, or the results of turning inward occur in the process of day-to-day activities like walking the dog, or asking myself questions in the morning. It’s a tricky question because I’m open to many avenues of insight and inspiration, and I’ll try things on for size that it’s a big answer.
I appreciate that because to me, it’s opening up to the fact that it’s an infinite array of how to experience that there’s something more about life. I love trying things on for size and playing with it because you don’t know. I don’t know if I’m going to like something unless I try it. It might have great value. It may be something that’d be long-lasting or something that’s real short for that experience. For you, it might have been one of the most profound experiences that you had. Is there any one in particular that you can recall at this time?
One comes to mind because it was visual and I tend to experience my insights more through feelings and body, but there have been a couple of times when I’ve had very clear insights about my life and life choices. There was an instance where I was on a trip to the Galapagos Islands with my husband at the time, and we were not aligned. We probably were not aligned from the beginning, but I was following some programming to try to fit in somewhere where I didn’t belong. We were on a diving trip on a Liveaboard, and the boat was going from location to location for diving. I can’t remember what the circumstances were, but guests wanted one thing, the crew wanted another, and there was a stalemate. All of a sudden, someone said, “There’s a bunch of dolphins swimming behind the boat. Does anyone want to go see if we can get in the water with them?” Many people jumped on the PanGos, the small inflatables and went motoring off to try to jump in the water with these wild bottlenose dolphins amidst the Galapagos Islands.
It was a long story before that, I had dislocated my shoulder through a judo accident. I went back to training to try to get ready for this trip because of the currents and whatnots. I’d been swimming very vigorously regularly to prepare for the trip. I was in good shape to be able to do what I needed to do. We jumped into the water as a group, and I took off finning with these dolphins. Before long, it was myself and one of the guides for the trip. The other guests were far behind, but we were staying with maybe twenty dolphins. They were beneath us, to the side of us, one rolled on its belly and stuck its tongue out within touching distance. I was so in the moment. I felt and I could see a bubble of light around me. It was this fluid sunlit, amazing blue water, dynamic dolphin sound, making sounds and squeaks. I looked to the side and there was a guide. He’s paralleling maybe 10 feet away from me, kicking along. All of a sudden, I felt this and saw the tip of an arrow into my side and it didn’t hurt. It was like, “This is the direction you need to be going.”
At that time, I could interpret that pretty clearly, which meant you need to move out of this relationship and be in these settings where you’re doing just this. It was a very strange set of circumstances. It lasted for maybe five minutes that arrow that came out of nowhere, that was the arrow of redirection. Strangely enough, after the experience, we swam with them for probably 45 minutes out in the middle of the water. It was amazing. Afterwards the guide said to me in his broken English, something along the lines of, “I couldn’t believe it when I was swimming next to you. I looked over and you were glowing. There was all this light around you. I can’t describe it, but there was a bubble of light surrounding you.”
How cool was that?
It was interesting.

Inward Energy: The five senses are pathways to which you can access higher frequencies or dimensions of self.
Imagine for him too to see that in you. That is beautiful. You got to sit with that one for a moment, at least for me.
It was a big change. From that moment, I took off in another direction for sure, in different journey which then led much more into alignment with my passions, my talents, my skills, all of that.
I’m grateful because I enjoyed what you shared with me, the experience that I had with you. I don’t know specifically all because on your site you have different processes and experiences that you offer for people. I wasn’t quite sure exactly which one because it felt like there was a whole lot of them altogether and it was a delight. I enjoyed it. The energy was whirling and I was happy. It was a great experience because I know we went through all the chakras, the 8th and 9th chakra and that work. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it. I’m grateful that you said yes to that.
It was my pleasure. My website, I have to revisit and probably reword that. At this time, the main thrust of my business, all of the clearings or sessions that I do, I work with the ninth chakra because that is the source of who and what we are as souls. It’s a process of clarifying and bringing that essence of frequency, the inspiration of that purpose down and through the body, and ground it. Rather than break it up into this or that, a clearing is ninth chakra down and meant to ground, and allow people to bring their talents to this earthly reality.
Most people will know that chakras are seven. You were talking about 8 or 9. I know there’s additional ones, but can you help us to understand when you’re speaking of the ninth chakra, what do you mean?
The ninth chakra, how I interpret and work with that is a point of differentiation between the divine essence of all, divine source energy where it starts to individuate. We become, not separate from but individual within that field. That tends to be the source or the seat of our purpose from lifetime to lifetime for those that believe along those lines. I would associate that or maybe verbalize that as an aspect of higher self. As you move down the spectrum, the energies become denser. I interpret the eighth as the home or the house of our Akashic records where experiences and contracts of our soul follow us on our journey. As you move into the embodied chakras, we begin with the crown and move downward.
I appreciated that because it’s almost like multidimensional work too. It’s that concept of multidimensionality, but I’ll save that for another conversation.
It is very much that. What has defined me as a healer is that I have always had a foot in both worlds. One is the analytical, the grounded, the practical, our life, and based on a strong and solid foundation. The other foot in the more metaphysical. Finding the blend and the balance for myself, and then helping others bring those aspects together so that we’re functioning as a whole being, that has been my strength.
Your internal journey has been one that’s allowed you to understand that for yourself as well, that balancing. You use that process in everyday experiences. That was what I’ve heard with your experience with the dolphins. The answer that you were seeking with respect to the relationship that you were in and the direction you wanted to go didn’t come during meditation. It came while you were having a blast with dolphins.
We process and perceive the world so differently. Click To TweetIt came in the process of movement. Being athletic for all of my life is a natural consequence that I’m going to receive insight in that way. We’re working with individual clients discovering their way, their path. That’s part of the mystery and the magic of working with clients. It is determining the best avenue through which those kinds of insights will occur for them.
That’s critical because they are all unique. That’s what I appreciate about the work that you do. It’s the honoring of the individual because it is very different. That’s part of what it is to be these expressions that we are, and that when we turn inward, we get to discover that. The world of the five senses is a wonderful world and it’s incomplete. There’s another part of who we are that when brought together, that’s that feeling when you’re talking about bringing together of our purpose, moving through the chakras down, and the concept of blending, what it is to be the spiritual being as a human being. They’re not separate, but our teachings can be seen as that.
The five senses to me are pathways through which you can access higher frequencies or dimensions of self. Those that see very clearly are more likely to be clairvoyant. They see beyond those that listen and are fabulous at processing the world around them by tuning into the auditory aspect of being. Those would be the clairaudience. They may receive spiritual information much more on an auditory, more verbal wavelengths. For the kinesthetics like myself, the touchy feelies, my sense of intuitive knowingness comes from an internal sense of balance or alignment. The five senses, taste and smell involved, are not separate. It’s blended and those tend to be our path or our doorway into the other realms or other aspects of our multi-dimensional being.
For someone who’s listening and who’s exploring their own journey inward, maybe they’re fairly new at it, or they’ve been at it, what would you recommend? What do you want to share with them?
I would say that no matter what method or avenue you take, the key to all of this is to start slowly, take small steps, and make it fun. Paths to enlightenment or tuning into higher frequencies, a lot of the time there’s a sense of seriousness or, “This is going to be work. I have to meditate. I have to XYZ.” I would say that the path can be much lighter, freer, joyful and funny. I would say small steps, little by little each day, do a little something each day, and keep it light. Remember your sense of humor.
It’s funny that you said that because I was teaching a class on spiritual practices, and one of the members of the class was like, “Is humor a spiritual practice?” He didn’t think it was. I’m thinking, “It’d be very much a spiritual practice, joy and laughter, because it raises the vibration, it lightens things up.”
It lightens things up. It stimulates your endorphins. It allows for a higher and broader perspective. I’ve seen humor and laughter dissolve a lot of intense issues and allow people to navigate, communicate around things that are quite difficult. That’s certainly an interesting pathway. You had asked me previously in one of our conversations about certain activities that help me to tune in, and if I do anything myself. I thought about that. Sometimes I meditate but largely, I make a lot of what I already do into a spiritual practice. It doesn’t have to be intense or serious. When I’m exercising or when I’m lifting weights, I will count my repetitions through mantra. I’ve been doing this for years and years. It’s usually a count of five, “I’m divinely, spiritually-connected, protected, guided.”
I’ll say that again with sets of five, I’ll do fifteen reps and I’ll say, “Divinely, spiritually-connected, protected, guided.” It’s strange that by combining practices, it fine tune a person in that moment. If I’m on a walk, sometimes I’ll fall into mantra or just be present. Each person’s pathway is going to be their own, but we’re already doing so much that could be shifted ever so slightly to allow us to have more experience with tuning, whether it’s inward or outward. If you’re tuning into your environment in the present around you, that’s a way of elevating your frequency and maybe striking the chord with the tuning fork by directing those thoughts inward. It’s a little and a lot of both, but achieving the same alignment and balance that people are striving for.
I appreciate that a lot because that’s one of the things that we have an idea that our spiritual journey has to look a certain way, or this has to picture or play out in certain processes, and the realization that there are many processes as there are ways that we can engage and it’s open.
We’re not taking time away from one thing to do something else. People these days press for time. It’s blending in that way.

Inward Energy: No matter what method or avenue you take, start slowly, take small steps, and make it fun.
Making it part of their everyday activity. I like that. That was good. I always count and I’m thinking, “I’ll do that. I like that idea of that mantra there. That’s good.”
I don’t swim in a pool anymore, but when I’m out in the ocean, if I have an opportunity to swim, it’s usually overhand swimming, and not finning with dolphins, there’s a mantra going on. It’s tuning into the environment. When I’m preparing on a whale trip and I’m in the water, I’m literally saying to the oceans, “I now welcome connection with whale and dolphin spirit.” To me, it’s holding that intention. It shifts your internal vibration instantaneously, but you also provide an open invitation to the universe to draw in or magnetize the experiences that you’re open to.
I think that’s wonderful. I can feel it. It feels good. I thank you for sharing that, Susan. It helps me. I’m kinesthetic as well and people can say a lot of things, but sometimes it’s not until you really being witness, or see it played out, or ways it can be played out that it begins to make sense, “I can see how that would be.” That’s part of what these interviews are about, sharing stories, how we all walk our paths, and how they could show up in many marvelous ways, and how they get to be introduced to the love of cetaceans, of whales, of dolphins, and how they can be gifts, how they are gifts to help experience life in a different way. I appreciate your sharing. Is there any last thing you want to share before we conclude our interview?
If anything to leave with someone, it’s really remaining open. The notion of once you decide, once you make a decision, I’m going to tune inward. It’s to be open to the many ways that you can be inspired and motivated to do that. Some of my best information comes in through conversations with clients, inspirations, book ideas, blog ideas, podcast ideas, watching something on the television that gives me an idea to then think in a different way or research something else. Stay open.
Thank you so much. I’m grateful that you came and shared your journey at this time with us. I want to thank all of our readers. Thank you for being present with us and sharing your energy too with us, because it’s a two-way street. Even though verbalization isn’t going two ways, energy is. We thank you for your presence and being here, and what you’re choosing to do with your life to make your life something wonderful. We celebrate your life and know that it’s a good one. Embrace the possibilities that exist for you.
Thank you for what you’re doing here. I appreciate the opportunity to connect with you in this way.
Thank you, Susan. Everyone, have a wonderful one. Here’s to your life, have fun embracing the possibilities that exist.
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About Susan Bird
Susan is an Energy Re-alignment and Personal Empowerment Specialist. She holds a BA degree from Stanford University and is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She has conducted Re-alignment and Empowerment sessions for over 30 years assisting clients with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Her practice has evolved from in-person consultation to remote energy clearing sessions for clients all over the world.
As an intuitive healer, Susan works to bring clarity and alignment to the energy or etheric body so that clients may realize their life purpose and actualize their goals. Her healing process is intensive, powerful, and collaborative. She actively incorporates the wisdom, experience, and uniqueness of each individual to cultivate their highest potential.
In addition to working with individual clients, she regularly facilitates Manifestation Workshops to help people transform their dreams into reality.
As the name of her website suggests, Susan utilizes the energy of wild cetaceans acting as a bridge to bring their higher vibrational frequencies into the lives of her clients. She spends 10 – 12 weeks each year swimming with different species of dolphins and whales at various locations around the world. She occasionally leads small groups to introduce clients to the transformative frequencies of cetaceans in person. She captures photographic and video imagery to share the essence of these experiences with the public.